Apart from the bustle of the port town, isolated house stands on the river side of a quiet castle town.
People gather together through food, talking with, we hope that want to be a place where new connections are born. Since opening in 2008, that feeling will not change.
In our lounge of ANTIQUES&OLDIES, to make a feeling free to enjoy antiques, we will pour coffee and tea with antique Limoges porcelain. Also Susie Cooper pottery is on the cake plate, cutlery is antique silverware tasteful.
It is very cutely pure white form milk appears when espresso pouring into Fire King's cup & saucer.
Most dishes use antique 100 years ago.
Since the craftsmen of the time made it with a wholehearted feeling, each one has its own feeling, and there is a feeling like being wrapped in when you hold on.
Then made as high class,
the appearance that only things that has that spent a long time have,
it maybe change the busy days to a slightly better quality...
Cooking ingredients will examine something gentle to the body according to the times. It is prepared with homemade naturalness and brilliant style dishes. Please enjoy with the current "the mastering" which reflects the present of the antique.
使用する食器の殆どは100年前のアンティーク。 当時の職人さんが心を込めて作ったので一つ一つにそれぞれの表情があり、手にしたときの包み込まれるような温もりがあります。 そして、高級として作られ、長い時間を過ごしてきた物だけが持つ風格が、せわしない毎日を、ちょっぴり上質に変えてくれそうなのです。